Monday, June 10, 2013

Today's word is YOU!
Me? or YOU?
Well, if it's me.....I'm going to tell you I'm going to try to blog again.....finally, faithfully, everyday!
Just when I made the goal to blog again, we lost the hard drive on the big computer so I'm working from the lap top....and that's a challenge for me!!  So, be patient, as I learn to get the pictures from the camera to the laptop.  I know, it may be a piece of cake for you, but for me, not so much!! 
In the meantime.....I have a new addiction!! 
It's evil, kind of like cookie dough....once you start, you can't stop!!  But, Candy Crush does put you in time out....and that's the only way I get anything done!! 


Sassy said...

LOOK AT YOU!!!!!!!!!!! Loved this post!!!!!! I have children addicted to that game as well.....time out can never heard anyone......ME or YOU!!!!!

Sassy said... speller is tired I think....hahaha