Saturday, July 13, 2013


Habits.........Yeah, I have a few........

 I crack my knuckles (don't judge)
I'm not proud, but I'll tell ya, it seems to make my hands feel better.

 TRUTH: There is no evidence that proves that knuckle cracking leads to arthritis! HURRAY! 

 This is a new habit........
I gave up Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper...
(haven't had a soda since I was in the hospital in Dec., I've replaced it with 
actually, it might not really be a habit but an 

and probably the worst HABIT of them all......

I love, love, love to crunch ice!!  
I guess it's better than smoking,  but not much..............

At least I'm not a quitter~


undergroundcarguy said...

I find that cracking my knuckles make my hands feel better too. Especially after a lot of writing or typing.

Sassy said...

What a cute post.............I AM PROUD OF YOU for giving up soda......I wish I could say that....YOU ARE DA BOMB BABY!