Growing up as a young girl I had the best DAD in the world, still do! My Dad would always whistle and sing. He could hardly carry a tune but he would sing as if he could. He was a hard worker. I can remember when my Dad would ride his bike to work so Mom could have the car. My Dad never spanked me! NEVER!! Not that I was that good, but my Dad had a way of talking to you, kind of like an interview with the Bishop, so when you were bad, you knew you had an interview with Dad. I would have rather had a spankin' than an interview. I never wanted to disappoint him! He loved me and I knew it, always! He is a kind, big hearted man.
Here's a story by "Susan Branch" that really touched me and I wanted to share it with you.
My dad was 23 when I was born, I'm the first of his 8 children. We are both a lot older now, but I'm still his baby. A couple of years ago I was on the train, almost to Galesburg, talking to him on my cell -- he was in Arizona. Cell service from the train is spotty, and the reception started going bad; he couldn't hear me anymore. I could hear him fine; he was saying, "Sue, I can't hear you, Sue? Sue! I'm losing you. I'm LOSING you . . ." I felt helpless with the phone in my hand; I could hear him and was doing that frantic cell thing, "Dad! Dad, can you hear me?" -- and even though I knew we were just talking about a phone call, the "losing you" felt so sad, I had tears in my eyes, I wanted to say, "you're not losing me, here I am, I'm right here; you'll never lose me."