Wednesday, August 31, 2011

On my honor......

Court of Honor tonight
Rylle received 9 merit badges

Good job, Rylle!!
We're so proud of you!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Be sure to check out Logan's Missionary Blog
The Tagalog Blog

Thursday, August 25, 2011

One of my best "BFF's" is moving~

I'm sad.

She's just moving farther east in Mesa, but you know how it is,

when someone has been in your neighborhood and in your ward,

moving across town is a big deal!!

I'm gonna miss you {{big}} Teri Hill!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

The stove has a new happy home!!
Stay tuned for a new look for the breakfast room....

Sunday, August 21, 2011

New home wanted.......

Yep, the time has come for me to find a new home for my old antique stove. She's been a welcome piece in our home for a long, long time.....
but I'm ready for a change.

So, if your interested or know of someone that might be interested,
send them my way.

Price very negotiable!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Since Rylle has a phone now he and Grandma have become great texting buddies!
We usually have fun texting convo's every evening
here's how it went tonight.....

Me: What are you doing?
Rylle: Coming home from a scout class
Me: Kinda late
Rylle: Ya
Me: Are you tired?
Rylle: Ya, you
Me: Yeah, I'm tired. You've had a big day for a little guy
Rylle: ya, you've had a small day for an adult


(oh well, it was funny at the time)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Office............

My home away from home.......

Here's a little peek at my corner of the world

...the messy desk...
ok.........messy but productive.

My afternoon delight!!

My view of the world from 8 to 5......

The {{peanut gallery}}
some of the patients starting bringing me pens from their vacations
and now I have quiet a collection.

They make me smile every single day!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I had some extra frosting from dessert over the weekend....
SO, I spread it over graham crackers and it took me right back to the first day of school. Perfect snack when I got home.

Monday, August 8, 2011

.......anyway, this is the way it was in our family!!
Guess who the youngest is........Yep, Char!

Happy Birthday, sissy!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I need to make one of these......
Wouldn't this look cute hanging on my porch?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Now I know why I have grease spots appear on my carpet

and why I have dirty spots on the corner of the love seat

and the white dust ruffle on my bed does not stay so white for very long.......

Because....this is the hardest working guy I know!!

I've never seen anyone who loves to work as much as Sweetiepie does.

He loves his job......and every once in a while.....

I ride along with him. Just to make sure he's doing it right~!! hee hee

I'm thankful he makes us such a good living!! dirt...grease and all!!