Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cleanliness is next to Godliness

Do you need some help keeping up?
Is house work getting you down?
Need your life back?

May I suggest..............
(the answer to your problem)

housecleaning at it's finest
  • detail oriented
  • trustworthy!
  • reasonable rates
Give Kara a call~480-627-9971
You'll be glad you did!!
Call me.....I'll tell you all about how GREAT she is!!


Jenny Johnson said...

I would totally call if I had some spare change.

Levi, Disney Fanatic said...

You think she'd travel????....I totally need a Kara! :)

Roxy Dozier said...

Aunt Bev, we love you! Just thought I'd tell you in case you forgot. You're swesome, and very very very loved by the Dozier's. WHADDAYAWANNABE??? said...

wish she lived in jotown :(

angiedunn said...

i'm with jenny!!!!♥

Sassy said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh DO I WISH! I am never home and could really use the help.......but extra change here either....Your home is so lovely so it is probably a joy to help you...if she came here she would beg me NEVER TO COME BACK.....HAHAHAHAHA

Michelle said...

Bev, I saw a half table in an advertisement for Cost World Plus Market. It was a little pricey (I want to say around $50 or $60), but I thought of you when I saw it! Have you found your half table yet?

Oh, and if I had spare change, I'd call Kara, too!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bev...does she do laundry? My cleaning lady was just diagnosed with Cancer and starts her treatments this week, so we may be looking for a new lady...Let me know.