Thursday, August 4, 2011

Now I know why I have grease spots appear on my carpet

and why I have dirty spots on the corner of the love seat

and the white dust ruffle on my bed does not stay so white for very long.......

Because....this is the hardest working guy I know!!

I've never seen anyone who loves to work as much as Sweetiepie does.

He loves his job......and every once in a while.....

I ride along with him. Just to make sure he's doing it right~!! hee hee

I'm thankful he makes us such a good living!! dirt...grease and all!!


Jenny Johnson said...

I get grease spots too and as long as they are Jeff's it's ok by me. Love NT!!!

Petersens said...

How fun! It's so great he's such a hard worker :)

Margie said...

that is sincere, bev.

Ruthann Crum said...

So great when your teenage daughter (and the mother) are "at the scene" and you know HELP IS ON THE WAY!