This is my motto........
Here are a few Christmas decorations I've been collecting and want to make some day.....I've been collecting them so long I have not idea where the ideas came from....so, if they came from your blog....leave me a message and I'll give you credit!
In the meantime......
Let's make our homes look a little like Christmas with these fun things!
Hey Bev Turley-
Just wanted to let you know that you are doing such a great job on Enrichment (RS activities) ;) and the RS blog. I have been a slacker in the comments department but have gotten back on track today. :) I have time off from school in January so let me know how I can help you with any RS activities during January or if you guys want to put me down for some more computer fun this coming year. Maybe Laurie Allred and I could team up for another blogging course with some family history flavor. Merry Christmas and super cute blog here too!!!!! :)
How was the diet coke ornament made.....love it!
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