Tuesday, April 24, 2012

 Q: What is a taxi driver's favorite kind of vegetable?

A:  Cab-bage
This is as good as it gets tonight, folks.
Until I get an understanding of this new blogger........
My posts are pretty much going to be LAME~

(I hate this new blog crap)


The Kleyn Family said...

Yumm..my fave is cabbage soup. Delish!

Paula said...

So what is it that you hate about the new blogger? It seems slower, and sometimes I have to do the pic twice, but other than that it seems pretty much the same to me.

Sassy said...

I am having a hard time with it too....I can NOT figure out how to save and leave and come back.......like with a link.....I am struggling......but want to keep it going...so if it is lame...it is better than nothing!!!! I love cabbage......GOOD CHOICE!