Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 1
{{My view}} today~

First thing I do in the morning while Sweetiepie is in the shower ~ I turn on the TV, Channel 12 and check out the news, then watch the Today show while I'm putting on my make-up. I like to see what the traffic and weather are going to be like. It's my little ritual~

Here's {{my view}} from the {{pot}} in my bathroom~
OK, TMI!!!

As I open the garage door~this is {{my view}}....beautiful Arizona day.
Wish I had a nice camera or knew how to take a picture.
I need to work on both, getting a good camera and taking a photography class!

Ready to head out and fight the animals on the 60~it's a cruel world out there.
This AM, I had a {{view}} of George's office~
guess what......I had to go weigh in........

Yep, today was But, good news
LOST 4.5 pounds!! Total of 9 pounds lost in January.


Here's the waiting room at my office and {{my view}} out the window from my chair

And {{my view}} for the next 8 hours!~

And last but not least.....{{my favorite view}} of all.......
Driving into the garage.......
at 5:00. There's nothing like i1!!


Sassy said...

I love all of your views.....they are awesome but NOT AS AWESOME AS YOUR WEIGHT LOSS!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! MY FRIEND!!!!!I forgot all about taking pictures today....MY BAD!!!! But the boyfriend DID sort of pose for me hahahaha Tomorrow I will do better!!!! This should be a FUN month!

Best Nana said...

Your veiw was great.I'll have to show you my veiw ome day.

See ya Char