Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day #12

Inside your closet

I use closet space in 3 different closets, not because I have so many clothes, but because I use my big master bedroom closet as storage/craft crap.

So, this little bit of closet space is stolen from the guest room~

This little bit of closet space is stolen from the utility closet where we keep the ironing board and vacuum~

This is part of Sweetiepie's closet where we store both of our shoes~

Here's one end of MY master bedroom closet where I store all kinds of goodies!

I need more closet space...that's for sure!!

1 comment:

Sassy said...

I look at all of those beautiful closets on Pinterest and find myself just a tad bit jealous hahahaha.......did you have a hard time showing your closet? I did!!!! You have such beautiful clothing! I have always wanted a wonderful walk in...never have had one....maybe someday.....LOVE YOUR CUBBIES FOR YOUR CRAFT CRAP....myself I could never have enough space for craft crap....I have more of that than I do clothes....hahaha I am loving this has made it lots of fun!!!!!!!It makes me have to think!