Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'm on a mission..................

If you ever, I mean ever see these Cheeseit's while you're out there shopping, call me, or email me, or leave me a comment or call 911........whatever! I'm on the hunt for these little goodies. Wouldn't this be a fun YM-YW activity. Remember, keep your eyes open!!


The Hills said...

is that one of terri's plates? or do you guys have the same ones? how funny.

HRHNeenerita said...

My eyes are pealed. I was just checking your blog so i could go to bed I had to have my fix :)

HRHNeenerita said...

line it says that safeway walgreens cvs and bashas has them

Paula said...

How freakin CUTE! I haven't seen them before, but will now be on the lookout!

Anonymous said...

How cute are those?! I'm going to have to look for them. Haylee would LOVE them. (She's into spelling out all kinds of things right now!)

Katie Seigfried said...

sooooooo fun!