Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I love Pinterest
love, love, love it....
Don't know what I did for entertainment
before I discovered it......
life would be boring without it!
Here's a few of my fav LOVE pictures from 

but, my favorite way to end each day 
is a text from my grandson Rylle.....

Rylle:  Goodnight
Me:  Night, night, love you! 
Rylle:  Love you too! 

Does it get any better than that?


The Kleyn Family said...

Nope, Pinterest is the flippin' bomb! And your Rylle is pretty awesome too!

Jenny Johnson said...

Love Pinterest too! And you!!

Sassy said...

Pinterest IS BOMB DIGGITY for sure!!!!! Getting a text from a grand child is probably the MOST BOMB DIGGITY though!!!! LOVE IT!

Paula said...

I just love it all - pinterest and the grand kid! SWEET!