Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I love watching "Hoarders"......
It makes me feel better about myself~

This is what the shelf in the office looked like around Christmas time
It's such a nice work space.....except...there's so much crapolaaaa everywhere I couldn't work there at all.

But a few hours ~ and a few goodies from Walmart......

and we're organized once again...for a little while, anyway!!


Paula said...

I love that space in your office! It's lookin' GOOD! OK, let's face it - I LOVE your WHOLE home! You can make anything look GREAT!

Sassy said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my goal organized my piles....and that pod that stares at me every stinkin' morning screaming my name.......arghhhh!!! I love what you have are my idol!!!! Hoarders actually makes me feel better about my crapolaaaaaa hahaha makes me want to nip it in the butt too!!!! I may be a lost cause.....hoping you rub off on me in more ways than one!!! I argree with Paula YOU CAN MAKE ANYTHING LOOK AWESOME!!!!!

Roxy Dozier said...

You have to be awesome to make things look and feel awesome. You just ooze with awesomeness! I love hoarders, I'm superwoman at cleaning my house compared to them!!

Anonymous said...

Looks great! I still have to finish up mine, probably not until this weekend...but it WILL get done!

angiedunn said...

so satisfying! mine needs a once-over right now so badly.