Friday, February 20, 2009

These are the roses of the week.......

Yep, I firmly believe that fresh flowers are a must! It's usually roses, but this week, Babydoll came home with tulips! Just for me!
Today was an awesome day! Lucia (the cleaning lady) was here so when I came home my house was so clean........even the game room. There isn't a better feeling in the world than coming home from work to a perfectly clean house! Thanks Lucia!! Now if the laundry fairy would show up during the night and do the laundry my life would be complete! :-)

This is the room we turn into a craft room when we need it and it is seldom ready for a pool game. But it is now ready for a party! Nice and clean! Air Hockey too, come on over Tanner and let's play Air Hockey. We don't let the kids play pool until they are 8 years old........then you can graduate from Air Hockey to pool, Tanner and Pappa play a lot of Air Hockey.

1 comment:

Paula said...

I feel like I just walked thru your front door, that cozy, warm and comfy entry and into YOUR world for a moment. I like that feeling...