Any of you that know me know
I DON'T SEW! However, I have this very talented sister in law who can sew like no other, just ask anyone.....she can sew anything. Well, when we went to Wilcox to Trent and Sarah's, Diane had made the adorable shower curtain for their bathroom. We all loved it and Char and I decided we'd make one. Right! Remember,
I DON'T SEW! But I needed something really, really bad done in my Diane agreed to help. She helped me measure and pin and I came home and actually did sew the straight edges all the way around. The rest is fabric and ribbons cut and tied in knots...cute idea, huh~ Thanks Diane for the help and the great idea! Be sure to check out her website
Salvage Chic Furniture. Check out the before and after photos......

You are so stinkin' talented! Look at you go! I'm just lovin' it!
See Bev, you're not really "tard-ed"! Looks good.
Super cute! Awesome job, especially for someone that "doesn't sew".
That is so stinkin cute.I dont think i will finish mine because yours looks way cute.Not really I am going to work on it tonight.It snowed about 3 inches @ our house last night.Burrrrrr.I am excited for you to have lunch with Araya & Tammy.Have fun. Love Ya Sis
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